Thursday, May 12, 2016

It's All About Your Skills!

Students always ask - what does it take to be a CNA? Is it easy? and, can I do it? Honestly, a big part of it is reading and lecture. Our teachers sit down with our students in intimate settings and teach a certified course for about a week - but it doesn't really stop there. 

Practice makes perfect! And there is no other way to put what you have learned to good use other than actually practicing it. Our teachers first demonstrate, then students practice on a dummy and also on each other. They are being mentored and monitored by our teachers for a week. This is where our students get comfortable and ask many questions. What's so great about the size of our classes is that our students can feel comfortable and confident with interacting with others. They get to know each other pretty quickly and are able to not only rely on their teachers but also each other. 

Once you're done with this portion of the program, students go to clinicals. Clinicals are real life situations where they help real patients. Students travel to the site everyday and put their skills to use. Teachers are always there to supervise and ensure that if they have any questions that those are answered. This really is essential to the success of our students. In order to be successful, students must have great teachers, proper training and most importantly the drive to be successful. Having the right school is going to make all the difference to your success. So make sure that you choose wisely! The better CNA you are, the better pay you'll get! 

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